web page hosting

Tom Achtenberg plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Mon, 31 Dec 2001 09:18:59 -0700

The $8.00 is if you register 2 or more domains at a time it is $8.85 for one.  I'm using port 25 on my qwest vdsl for several accounts including the Stargate email server with no problem.


-----Original Message-----
From: george@georgetoft.com [mailto:george@georgetoft.com]
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2001 9:02 AM
To: plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Subject: RE: web page hosting

This registrar: stargateinc.com will register domains for you for
$8 or so per year.  They will also be your DNS.

Qwest VDSL maps the IP address to your MAC address.  As long as you
do not change out your NIC, you will always get the same IP address.
I've had the same IP since May, and in my discussions with the tech
folk, they confirmed this statement for me.  The downside to Qwest
is that they block ports 80 and 25.

What's next is a firewall (see my laptop firewall for a good start
at http://georgetoft.com/linux), and to lock down the box.  I 

Internet ---- Firewall ---- switch ---- Web Server
                               +------- Firewall ---- your LAN

Of course, you can do what I do, and host your website elsewhere.
(I have my own web hosting company - http://networksbygeorge.com - 
so I get it real cheap.  My normal rates are $15/month, but I'll 
give the PLUG a $12 rate.)  That way, if you really upset someone, 
and they crack your web server, your LAN is still safe, because 
they can't tell where it is.

My biggest concern with a HOW-TO on at home web hosting is that
most of the people in need of such document are not aware of the 
security risks involved.  I wasn't, and had my box rooted twice.



Quoting "Fisher, Clinton" <NCFisher@z-tel.com>:

> Well, I could probably outline my thoughts on it, and others here could
> add
> to it.
> Assuming you will be getting your own domain name to, here are the
> things
> you will need.
> 1.  An IP address that does not change. (therefore dialups are not
> good)
> 	I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on the many ways to
> accomplish this.
> 2.  A registered Domain name (of course, if you are going to do that)
> 3.  When you register your domain name, you generally need to provide
> two
> DNS servers once you point to a hosting provider. So, if you are going
> to
> host your own, you either need to have a friend with two DNS servers, or
> you
> need to set up two IP addresses for your DNS server.
> 4.  You will need to have a web server, like apache, but you probably
> knew
> this part.
> I have a friend that hosts web sites from his house and he has a mini
> network in his garage or basement. If no one else knows how you go
> about
> getting a DNS server listed with the Internic, I can ask him.
> OR
> If you just want to put up a web page and access it temporarily from
> the
> network, just provide someone your IP address of your web server. As
> long as
> you are not behind a firewall, they can see it....  But then again, this
> is
> why we have DNS so that we don't have to remember things like
> (that IP won't go over well here) or (one that everyone
> here
> should know - right?)
> Anyway, the bottom line to serving a web page is accessibility from
> the
> browser, which hinges on DNS for most of us. DNS hinges on the
> internic/registration process for domain names, which rely on a static
> IP
> address for dns servers.
> Clinton Fisher
> Systems Consultant III
> Z-Tel Communications, Inc
> http://www.myzline.com
> "Why have a phone line when you can have a Z-line"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: robert jorgenson [mailto:snoogans@qwest.net]
> Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2001 6:58 PM
> To: PLUG
> Subject: web page hosting
> i was wondering if anyone knew of a good HOWTO that went through
> step-by-step on what i need to do to host a webpage from my house?
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