Assistance needed

Kimi A. Adams
Fri, 28 Dec 2001 14:07:56 -0700

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I have something that I need done but it may be a little on the "wrong" 
side of things.  I have a router with a smart card, which is password 
protected.  It's a Cisco 1600 with the built in CSU.  I need to know if 
someone can help me to get into this and then program it properly.  Since I 
don't know anything about routers or how to program/use them myself, I am 
looking for help.

I need to block out and get rid of my current administrators.  I need the 
router set up and ready to go and work with a couple of others to implement 
a new firewall behind the router.  So, if anyone would like to assist me, I 
have a little bit of funds to get this done.  Serious people with 
experience, please.

Call me at 602-375-5363.

Kimi Adams
Unity Wave

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