Local FTP

David P. Schwartz plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Sun, 23 Dec 2001 20:02:12 -0700

Naa, if  you don't have a static IP then you can use a dynamic DNS service.  One I'm familiar with is at http://www.dynu.com/  They have a
linux client you can use.  This is a service that maintains redirection tables for domain names, and a client that runs on your system
pings it periodically.  The server grabs the IP from the ping and updates the pointers if it changes.  The free services provide
subdomains (eg., myserver.dynu.com), and offer an upgrade to allow you to use your own domain name.  Another one that was mentioned here
is http://www.zoneedit.com/; they offer a perl script for use in Linux environments.  Under Windows, the one I prefer is
http://www.dns2go.com/ .

You can set your server to watch on whatever port you want.  If you have a firewall or router (like a Cisco 675/8 modem), you'll probably
need to enable the port(s) you want other than port 80.  NOTE: this can make it appear that the ISP is blocking the ports, when in fact
the block is on your end.

You could also set up a basic web server on port 80 then load up some pages that allow directory browsing, which would accomplish about
the same thing as an FTP server.  But I'd definitely provide a login screen for such a method!

-David Schwartz

Troy wrote:

> Are you SURe its cable america?  I have cable america and I have nothing
> blocked on my cable modem.
> By default cable america gives you local only addressing via DHCP from the
> cable modem.  If you do not hve a static ip then you cannot setup any
> services for people to connect in whether it be ftp or otherwise.
> Troy Moniz
> On Sun, 23 Dec 2001, John W wrote:
> >   I am wanting to setup an FTP server on my box to transfer files between
> > myself and a few friends as my provider "Cableamerica" finds it neccesary to
> > block Gnutella clients wether they be windows or Linux based. I have never
> > really setup FTP services on Linux before and would like some opinions in
> > regards to ease of configuration and general setup issues, perhaps a
> > preffered server? I have Mandrake 8.1 installed and I know it has ProFTPd and
> > perhaps one or two other FTP servers available on the CD's. I plan to set the
> > accounts with authorization and not use any anonymous logins to try and offer
> > as much security as possible.
> >
> >  TIA,
> >
> > John Wheat