LPI certification

Lowell Hamilton plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Fri, 21 Dec 2001 14:29:48 -0700

I'm LPI level I and II.  You can take the test at any VUE testing center
(www.vue.com/lpi).  I took the tests as soon as they were available for
beta, but that does not mean they are easy.  The tests are based on a
huge range knowledge, much of which you wouldn't come across unless you
were an administrator with a varied experience.  The level II tests
especially focus on NIS and other administration and security functions
that a home user would probably never use.  The tests are $100 each, 2
tests per level of certification.  (Total of $400 to go to Level-II)

I strongly recommend LPI over Sair or RedHat.  LPI seems to be
recognized more among Linux shops since it is constantly updated,
written with input from dozens of administrators, and is not
vendor/distribution specific.  While the LPI hasn't gotten me a job yet
and employers rarely require any type of Linux cert, the more relevant
certs the merrier when it comes to a decision between you or another for
a job or who gets the pink slip.


: Lowell Hamilton     syz@b r o k e n - b i t . c o m :
: Linux  OpenBSD  IDS/firewall  Security  QMail  Perl :

Lynn David Newton wrote:
> Group,
> This is probably a FAQ, but I'm relatively new to this
> list, so bear with me.
> How many and who among us have LPI cerfication?
> Comments would be appreciated regarding:
> o Its value or lack thereof.
> o Where to get it (online or here in Phoenix if I have
>   to go somewhere).
> o Length of time to acquire.
> o Cost of acquisition.
> --
> Lynn David Newton
> Phoenix, AZ
> http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~lnewton
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