Help - ok i fixed it!

Craig White
Mon, 17 Dec 2001 09:22:20 -0700

Rick Rosinski wrote:
> No question is too stupid for those on this list (at least it shouldn't be).
> BTW:  Did you add /dev/hda to /etc/fstab?  and run "mount -a"?
> This would allow you to access your windows drive within Linux (assuming that
> the vfat file system was compiled into the kernel).
> The exact entry for the fstab file woudl be
> /dev/hda                /windows                vfat    defaults  1   1
> after entering this into the /etc/fstab and saving it, do a "mkdir /windows"
> and run "mount -a"
> It has been a very long time since I had a dual-boot system.  If the above
> entry for the fstab file doesn't work, read the Linux+Win98 howto.
Actually, he said that /dev/hda was ntfs and not fat32 - there is a very
big difference and I would never recommend that for someone to mount or
use an ntfs partition from linux.

You might want to create/change/subdivide one of the partitions to
create a fat32 partition which both your Windows XP and linux can both
mount and use to pass files back and forth. Beware though that IIRC SO
5.2 has problems saving .doc files to fat32 mounts (but surprising does
save them to smbfs mounts without problem).

Agreed that questions aren't usually stupid but sometimes you have to be
careful with the answers.
