Linux Partitions

Jonathan Claxton
Sun, 16 Dec 2001 12:55:17 -0700 (MST)

On Sat, 15 Dec 2001, Terence Chang wrote:

> Hi:
> I finally got RedHat 7.2 downloaded (5 days through Quest DSL #$%#$) and
> burned on the CDs. I have the following questions. I can not remember where
> I read about the partition size of the disk. I am going to get a 60GB IDE
> disk to install Linux only. What are recommanded partition size for /boot
> (RedHat Doc says 50MB?), /usr, /var, /home and /export? The Linux I am going
> to setup is mainly for running Oracle Database for practice. Should I give
> /usr or /home the most space? What kind of arrangement of disk space should
> I follow? And what exactly /usr, /var, /home and /export are for? On
> Solaris, /home and /export are used for most of the users. How about the
> Linux?

My setup here is like this...

   /       -  4GB      Rest of the install
   /boot   -  100MB    For mostly kernels and System.Map files only
   /home1  -  5GB      this is where I keep my own stuff
And since you are going to use a DB, I would setup a another separate
partition just for this as you can reinstall the dist all you want and not
affect the /home1 and this partition something like

   /database - as big as you wantta be. 

Here is my current setup on my Linux/Windows box... 

Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdf3              3953068   1873520   1878736  50% /
/dev/hdf1                93309     17841     70651  21% /boot
/dev/hdf6              5020512   1925248   2840236  41% /home1
/dev/hdf2              3953068   1989588   1762668  54% /oldroot
/dev/hde1              1948040   1769300    178740  91% /mnt/drive-c
/dev/hde5               481664    256048    225616  54% /mnt/drive-d
/dev/hde6               481664    417816     63848  87% /mnt/drive-e
/dev/hde7              1948044   1742036    206008  90% /mnt/drive-f
/dev/hde8              1948044   1260484    687560  65% /mnt/drive-g
/dev/hde9              1948044   1899324     48720  98% /mnt/drive-h
/dev/hde10             1948044   1277052    670992  66% /mnt/drive-i
/dev/hde11             1948044   1440252    507792  74% /mnt/drive-j
/dev/hde12             1948044   1049524    898520  54% /mnt/drive-k
/dev/hde13             1948044   1211876    736168  63% /mnt/drive-l
/dev/hde14             2437068   2073508    363560  86% /mnt/drive-m
/dev/hde15             1018088    369468    648620  37% /mnt/drive-n
/dev/hdg5              2047968     70624   1977344   4% /mnt/drive-o
/dev/hdg6              2044240   1258552    785688  62% /mnt/drive-p
/dev/hdg8              2016016   1677980    235624  88% /usr/local/games
/dev/hdg9              2205780    844856   1248876  41% /home1/jzc/SO-Beta

You will note the /oldroot partition as I use to go back and forth between
that and / whenever I install new distributions, keep the old one for
fallback in case the new goes into the blackhole and crashes. The last two
are for my linux games and Star Office. BTW, the /mnt/drive-* partitions
are all mounted read-only just so that if I want read the files from
