Amavis - Qmail -Debian
Wed, 12 Dec 2001 15:39:18 -0500

> yes i have successfully had qmail running with amavis ..
> Nige
Will it (amavis) scan messages that are handled by .qmail files under
/var/qmail/alias ?

I use this server and the dot-qmail files to forward mail to our new
handy, dandy, PITA exchange server. 

I found that, when moving to exchange, I just kept the old, perfectly fine,
mail server, and then just set up .qmail-<username) files to forward the message
to exchange. There may have been a better way, but this way works pretty
slick. This way, I can have exchange sitting on the internal lan, and not have
to worry so much about security. Exchange only accepts/delivers mail to one
place---my Debian/Qmail server.