Cox@Home's response to an inquiry regarding 11/30 cutoff.

Richard L. Proctor
Mon, 3 Dec 2001 00:22:04 -0700

Same here,  I have two digital telephone lines, and cox internet.  Though I
still only use antenna for tv.  I think they give me $29.95 a month for the
internet.  Atleast until they bump it up the five bucks this month.  Which I
don't really mind as long as I can keep the service.  I own the cable modem.

Richard L Proctor
Krystal Computer Services
PC Repairs & Upgrades

----- Original Message -----
From: "Victor Odhner" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 11:51 PM
Subject: Re: Cox@Home's response to an inquiry regarding 11/30 cutoff.

> "Richard L. Proctor" wrote:
> > I did get a letter yesterday from cox stating that
> > they were going to increase service 5 bucks.
> A few weeks ago we got a notice that they were bumping the
> monthly price to a few bucks more.  So what you got might
> not be tied to the Excite issue, rather just a bit of
> routine inflation.  I have a pretty good rate because we
> also use Cox for telephone service, which we've been
> quite pleased with.
> Vic
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