Are there any linux/unix admin jobs out there?

Gary Nichols
29 Aug 2001 16:21:49 -0700

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> Sorry to get selfish on the mailing list. The company I have been=20
> working for has decided to go Windoze way, as the new management came=20
> in.=20

Man, I'm sorry to hear that.  Been there.  Done that!

>We were just 2 Linux guys, against rest of the company. The decision=20
> was made as the new management(all from Intel )felt that they cannot=20
> protect Intellectual Property?!?(IP) by developing and deploying on Open=20
> Source platforms and tools.

This is your opportunity to educate them in the ways of the source.
(sorry, couldn't resist the Star Wars Joke there)
You and your linux comrade should put together a presentation of some
sort that shows that they can indeed protect IP with opensource tools.
Most management types that I've dealt with (and oh have I had my share
of ex-Intel'ers) go by what they have used before, or what they have
read, or what their former IT guy told them.

Educate them, sell them... convince them.  It can be done, but it will
take some work on your end.=20

Have a roundtable discussion... find out what they really want to

If you don't sell them and they decided to embrace the dark side, stick
around anyway.  When the new 'solution' doesn't work, you can step in as
the almighty IT hero and 'fix' the situation (with linux/bsd/solaris_x86
cd in hand).

Good luck.  I'm sure if you need some help with this you'll find a
number of people on this list that can give you some great advice.

~ Gary

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