problems burning other than .iso files HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Ken Bowley
27 Aug 2001 21:58:14 -0700

On 27 Aug 2001 11:01:50 -0700, Technomage wrote:
> I keep getting the following whenever I try to burn a disk format
> that requires DAO (Disk At Once). I can burn track-at-once all day long 
> with no problem, but I cannot burn any other way than this, which
> makes burning a VCD impossible.

Have you tried cdrdao yet?  I used it just this weekend to make a VCD
and it seemed to work fine.  Of course my DVD player seems to have a
problem with the CD-R's that I'm using (Sometimes it plays them, most of
the time it doesn't)

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[The Realm of Darkness]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O-
 Ken Bowley                              
 AKA: Lord Johann                    
-=-=-=-=-=[ Linux, the choice of the GNU generation ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
LCP, LCI, and Brainbench Linux MVP