UPS nomination
George Toft
Mon, 27 Aug 2001 08:57:04 -0700
Let me tell you, 20/20 sucks. I had better than 20/15 for the first
30 years of my life, then my eyes degraded to 20/20. What a miserable
experience. I can hardly wait until they degrade to 20/40.
Jason wrote:
> Craig White wrote:
> > and btw - no fair bragging about your young eyes, 1600 x 1200 on a 19"
> > monitor is too small for the 45+ crowd. What can I say, I come from the
> > land where 72 dpi is the screen resolution - not 96 dpi.
> Hell, I run 1600x1200 on my 17 inch (16.0 viewable) on occassion, but
> the 55Hz refresh is a little harsh. I generally prefer 1440x1080x62 -
> the key is to NOT use 60Hz, EVER EVER EVER, cause thats the frequency
> room lights blink at!
> I think its funny that I can read the display from 5 feet away when
> people with supposedly 20/20 vision have trouble reading it at half
> that distance. My father had the same thing w/ his eyes as well, only
> even more so. Except he is colorblind as well, which sorta takes away
> the keenness of high-res vision.
> --
> jkenner @ mindspring . com__
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