George Toft
Sat, 25 Aug 2001 19:28:16 -0700

Digi Boy,

You are a very angry person, perhaps from too much monoethylamine in
your recycled air and your 10 year old coffee and five year old meat.  
You need to let go.  I know, I've been there.  I used to be hard-core 
Microsoft.  I was brain-washed.  I was a drone.  I eagerly bought and 
stole every tool they put out.  Then, the bubble burst - many have heard 
my rant about the hourly BSOD's.  I was enlightened with the ay of Linux 
sunshine.  I was angry over how much money I spent on Microsoft
I am better now.

FSCK it!!!  May your DOS partition have a corrupted FAT.  Jim, I'm 
trying, but the Pro-GNU/Linux schtick isn't working either.  MSFT is
We all know it, and we are passionate about it.


Digital Wokan wrote:
> XML formatted messages and responses these days... Now *that's* geeky.
> Excerpt from for bigot:
> Pronunciation: 'bi-g&t
> Function: noun
> Etymology: Middle French, hypocrite, bigot
> Date: 1661
> : a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own
> opinions and prejudices
> I am anti-Microsoft, but you'd be hard pressed to call me a bigot for
> it.  I once loved MS's work.  My eyes have since been opened to the
> wasteland they leave behind in their conquest of all things
> technological.
> As for the intolerant part of the definition... Should I tolerate a
> complete disregard for consumer well-being?  Should I tolerate a company
> who insists that they know what's better for me than I do?  Should I
> tolerate a company who disables 3rd party software because it poses a
> threat to their in-house built solutions?
> If you answer yes, what more should we tolerate?  Maybe Manson wasn't
> such a bad guy.  Perhaps Saddam Hussein is just a misunderstood man.  We
> shouldn't have been so hard on Hitler.  He was just expressing his own
> artistic vision of the world.  How much do we tolerate?
> You want a chant/rant?
> Fsck irresponsible OS monopolies!  Get *any* other OS!
> Fsck irresponsible OS monopolies!  Get *any* other OS!
> Fsck irresponsible OS monopolies!  Get *any* other OS!
> Todd Hought wrote:
> > <zombie>
> > We are not anti-Microsoft bigots, we are GNU/Linux enthusiasts.
> > We are not anti-Microsoft bigots, we are GNU/Linux enthusiasts.
> > We are not anti-Microsoft bigots, we are GNU/Linux enthusiasts.
> > </zombie>
> > On Fri, 24 Aug 2001, Chris Cowan wrote:
> > > <rant>
> > > Let me just say if I had it my way the entire world would run LINUX... But
> > > unfortunately I sometimes have to deal with Micro$oft WinBlows...
> > > I'm doing an install and Bam!!! BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH... I have never done a
> > > Linux install that has been so frustrating... Even when I was trying my
> > > first Debian installs, At least I made it to a command prompt... Even if I
> > > didn't know what to do with it... <grin>
> > > W I N B L O W S  S U C K S !
> > > </rant>
> > > <apology)
> > > Sorry I had to tell someone!
> > > </apology)
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