Vulnerability Count
Kimi A. Adams
Sat, 25 Aug 2001 09:10:40 -0700
I find it just as interesting that the number of vulnerabilities for Red
Hat is darn near close to Windows NT. Most people think of Red Hat when
they first start hearing about Linux and believe that it's better
security. But as your numbers prove, it's much less secure than other
packages. I would be very curious to see what Debian's numbers would be in
Thanks for this info.
At 8/24/01 06:45 PM, you wrote:
>So here I was, surfing Security Focus, and I noticed they track every
>vulnerability for Windows, Solaris, and Linux. I put this page
>to count the vulnerabilities. Why spend 5 minutes counting when I can
>write a script in an hour to do the same thing? Because it is as
>current as Security Focus.
>Interesting numbers - they directly contradict Microsoft's statements
>about their security. No Linux bias here, nosiree! That's why I
>chose a vendor-neutral site for my data.
>See if your mail doesn't
>post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.
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