Tivo - The spiffy Linux Box
Brian Cluff
Wed, 22 Aug 2001 17:08:39 -0700
I dunno... why didn't they use Oboron, or even AmigaOS :) They must have
seen something they liked. It works really damn good, so I'm not going to
question their choice, although it might have worked equally as well with
AmigaOS ;)
Brian Cluff
----- Original Message -----
> So...
> Why didn't they use Open BSD?
> (Hey, it was good enough for Apple!)
> >
> >
> > Let's see if I remember this...
> >
> > A tivo box is basicaly a 60Mhz PPC running Linux with a couple
> > modules for handling the MPEG equipment built into it.
> >
> > Am I right?
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