Tivo - The spiffy Linux Box
John (EBo) David
Wed, 22 Aug 2001 15:54:06 -0700
Color me befuddled, but what is 30 hour, 14 hour,... and I assume Tivo
is a brand name... I did not see a demo (to busy gabbing) so if you do
not mind me asking: what are you talking about?
EBo --
Kurt Granroth wrote:
> On Wednesday 22 August 2001 01:39 pm, Brian Cluff wrote:
> > I just got e-mailed that Tivo has knocked $100 off the price of their units
> > again. So the 30 hour one is $249 (Damn that sucks I paid $400+ for the
> > 14 hour one that I demoed at the plug meeting.)
> > Anyway, for anyone that was wanting one, but thought the price was a
> > little too steep... They are doing free shipping too
> FWIW, Costco has had it for $249 for some time now. I bought mine from
> Circuit City for $299 (or so, don't remember) and then got the ad from Costco
> and got CC to give me the difference. The handy thing there, too, is that
> you don't have to wait for it to be shipped.. I just picked it up and was up
> and running some hours later.
> > Also for anyone interested. I am not running a 91 hour Tivo. If you are
> > interested in doing an upgrade, I would be more than happy to help you do
> > that.
> I assume you mean "I am NOW running..". Is this with a 30 hour TiVo? I was
> under the assumption that only the one hard drive (20 hour) units could be
> upgraded.
> > Tivo is has also revved their software since I did the demo, and I can tell
> > you that its waaaaay better than it was when i demoed it. It's got a ton
> > of coflict resolution, and very cool wish list stuff that will let you pick
> > shows based of type of show, actor/ess and zillions of combinations of the
> > stuff (ie you can have the tivo setup to grab any movie that has george
> > carlin in it and is also a comedy).
> It *is* very sweet. I have a hard time doing without it now... but it could
> be better. I wish (way OT) that it could record more then one show at a time
> and could overlap recordings based on priority. For instance, if there is an
> hour show that you kind of like and a half hour show that you really like, it
> would record the first half our of the former show and all of the latter.
> --
> Kurt Granroth | http://www.granroth.org
> KDE Developer/Evangelist | SuSE Labs Open Source Developer
> granroth@kde.org | granroth@suse.com
> KDE -- Conquer Your Desktop
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