Zip drive access in mandrake 8.0

Will Johnson
Mon, 20 Aug 2001 18:21:50 -0700

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I am having trouble accessing my zip drive in man 8.0. The permission =
appear to be setup correctly, but I keep getting an error message saying =
that I do not have permission to access the drive. There is a similiar =
problem accessing the cd rom from the desktop icon though I can access =
it from the control panel. Any ideas on what is happening?

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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I am having trouble accessing my zip =
drive in man=20
8.0. The permission appear to be setup correctly, but I keep getting an =
message saying that I do not have permission to access the drive. There =
is a=20
similiar problem accessing the cd rom from the desktop icon though I can =
it from the control panel. Any ideas on what is=20
