How do I remove the following file...
John (EBo) David
Tue, 21 Aug 2001 09:33:44 -0700
"David A. Sinck" wrote:
> \_ SMTP quoth Steven M. Klass on 8/21/2001 08:07 as having spake thusly:
> \_
> \_ Hey all..
> \_
> \_ $ ls
> \_ \033:\033\033::q Space/ lcm.c resume.html
> \_ Personal/ home.tar.gz readme.txt
> \_
> \_ How do I remove the file \033:\033\033::q
well... one of the things I do so that I make sure that I am NOT going
to screp up again and remove something VERY important is I creat a
subdirectory, move everything into it, move the stuff I want to keep
back out of it, verify that I only have stuff in the subdirectory that I
want blown away then kill that. It is a little long winded, but I've
shot to many holes in my foot by messing up removing these files...
To recap:
mkdir scratch
mv * scratch
cd scratch
mv S* l* r* P* h* ..
<should give> \033:\033\033::q
cd ..
rm -ri scratch
EBo --