Looking for CVS questions
Alan Dayley
Tue, 21 Aug 2001 08:29:56
I would like this to be the topic for next month. I something already
lined up?
Thinking out loud of questions I have or would be good for beginners...
-Demos and recommendations of GUI front ends to CVS on Linux and (GASP!)
-How does CVS handle binary files (storing method, retrieval of previous
versions, any special considerations)?
-What are some "rules of thumb" for growth planning? How much storage is
needed on the repository server?
-Good answers to this reaction from colegues and management (I have gotten
this one.): "It's free (as in now license fee)? If it is free, how could
it be very good and who supports it?"
-What is the merge process (automatic and manual) like?
-How much time should be expected to spend on admin duties? What are the
regularly needed admin tasks?
-Can automation be done to dis-allow commits that break the build?
There are a few. I will think about more later.
At 11:59 PM 8/20/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>At some point in the not to distant future, Nick and I will hopefully be
>giving a presentation on CVS to PLUG. While we are working on this
>presentation, it would be nice to know what kind of questions everyone
>has that we can try to answer.
>Any questions are valid.. I would like to see questions that range from
>"What is CVS?", to questions similar to "How can I edit my website
>through CVS and have it automatically update the live site when I commit
>changes?" or even "How do I handle multiple branches in the same
>Don't expect to see any answers to these questions on the list, but do
>look for them during the presentation...
>-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[The Realm of Darkness]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O-
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