Dutch to sue Micro$oft...

der.hans plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Tue, 21 Aug 2001 08:25:27 -0700 (MST)

Am 20. Aug, 2001 schwäzte Digital Wokan so:

> Excuse me... What if I was already anti-Microsoft before I was
> pro-Linux?  (FYI:  I'm pro GNU Utilities as well, but that doesn't mean
> I'm going to call my system GNU/Mandrake.  RMS - geek rock star with ego
> to match?)

It's not GNU/Mandrake, rather Mandrake GNU/Linux. Soon the distinction will
actually be important because Linux won't be the only kernel shipping with
the OS called Linux wrapped around it. Caldera has announced that it will be
shipping SCO with the SCO UNIX[1] kernel and the GNU OS. Hurd might actually
finally be launched in the next couple of years. I see ocassional pieces
about a GNU distribution wrapped around a solaris kernel for sparc as well.

The broken part of this is that the OS is comprised of things other than the
GNU tools as well, e.g. XFree86, OpenSSH, KDE, QT, Mozilla, sendmail, qmail,
postfix, exim, apache, and so on. The base OS, however, is primarily from
the GNU project ( I mean from GNU not just GPLd ) and there's only so much
room to give credit.

The main reason I've started to differentiate between GNU/Linux and Linux
is it will soon be necessary in order to lessen confusion. At this point
debian 3.0 won't have hurd, but the way I understand it 3.1 might. That will
mean we will have debian GNU/Linux and debian GNU/hurd available. Same OS,
different kernels.

Sort of preemptive descriptioning to avoid questions about "Linux 7.1" and
so forth.



[1] The only ones who can call themselves UNIX because they hold the
# der.hans@LuftHans.com home.pages.de/~lufthans/ www.DevelopOnline.com
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