Consumer grade e-mail hosting options?
Derek A. Neighbors
Mon, 20 Aug 2001 23:45:05 -0700
OC3 grade lines dedicated host you provide machine should be done for
$200 or less per month. Depending on transfer rates. One place we use
is 200 a month pretty much unlimited transfer rate. Other is like 150 a
month for up to 6gig of transfer then you buy rates in gig after that.
Bob Cober wrote:
>How much for a dedicated server? I am interested in getting a dedicated
>server at a host that has excellent connectivity. Id like to put apache,
>tomcat, jboss, qmail,etc. on it and have the box dedicated to me. Possibly
>even run some counter-strike server on it periodically. I would
>administrate it myself through ssh.
>I was under the impression that this was upwards of $300+ month at places
>like Has anybody seen something similar for less? Is it
>alot less if I provide the hardware?
>Also, any idea how much cox@work pro costs?
>Thanks for any info
>----- Original Message -----
>From: George Toft <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Monday, August 20, 2001 9:29 PM
>Subject: Re: Consumer grade e-mail hosting options?
>>Dedicated web/mail hosting is available for $10/month more or less.
>>Check out: - $8/month, and will be moving
>>my site to his servers. My current provider ( charges
>>$30 or so (I get it free, as I set up the servers and network), and his
>>resellers sell for $15-20 per month (
>>These are 100 mbps LANS connected to Fibre. Check out some traceroutes
>>and ping times to them.
>>--- ping statistics ---
>>100 packets transmitted, 95 packets received, 5% packet loss
>>round-trip min/avg/max = 44.0/156.8/4568.7 ms
>>--- ping statistics ---
>>100 packets transmitted, 100 packets received, 0% packet loss
>>round-trip min/avg/max = 51.9/87.8/412.0 ms
>>As you can see, Mike's speeds are better than my previous employer and
>>the quality is much better.
>>Bob Cober wrote:
>>>Just an idea - you could upgrade to cox@work. I don't think they are
>>>any filtering on cox@work. I saw a promotion on their site for
>$75/month -
>>>not exactly cheap, but any dedicated host will cost you more than
>>>I am pondering upgrading myself because of the filtering....
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>From: Bob George <>
>>>To: <>
>>>Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2001 9:37 PM
>>>Subject: Consumer grade e-mail hosting options?
>>>>Well, @Home has finally pulled the plug, and my little guerilla SMTP
>>>>is no longer reachable from the world at large. It's something I've
>>>>for years, but I'm disappointed. Anyhow, I'm now trying to find viable
>>>>alternatives for e-mail for my family, while still allowing myself to
>>>>spam under control.
>>>>I want to be able to set up various aliases (i.e.
>>>>, for different
>lists, as
>>>>well as for each family member. I had this working perfectly with
>>>>procmail and postfix to sort and file mail for access via IMAP, but
>now it
>>>>seems I need to do something similar elsewhere.
>>>>What I think I'm looking for is a very inexpensive pop3 account
>>>>like to register, and be able to manage a number of
>>>>under that domain. Probably 10-20 maximum, but it is nice to have
>>>>flexibility. Hopefully it won't be a pay-per-account as I really don't
>>>>what accounts I'll want yet. I would then be able to poll these via
>>>>fetchmail from my Linux mail server and still do all my sorting and
>>>>filtering there.
>>>>Many web hosting services seem to provide a handful of accounts, but
>>>>hoping for something more flexible, if not mail-centric.
>>>>Any tips or ideas appreciated. It's not a panic situation yet, but I
>>>>go back to having only one account again.
>>>>- Bob
>>>>See if your mail
>>>post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.
>>>>PLUG-discuss mailing list -
>>>See if your mail doesn't
>post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.
>>>PLUG-discuss mailing list -
>>See if your mail doesn't
>post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.
>>PLUG-discuss mailing list -
>See if your mail doesn't post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.
>PLUG-discuss mailing list -