Language Translator for linux?
Tue, 21 Aug 2001 00:30:26 EDT

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In a message dated 8/20/2001 21:18:32 US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Entschuldigen Sie mich.  Englische, Bitte.  Was ist skat und xskat?  
Mein Deutch ist sehr schlect.

   Skat is a German card game, actually pretty complicated and does take some 
time to learn and some more time, a lot, to become proficient at.

  I believe xskat is an Xwindows game, I have winskat, for windows, but I 
rarely play it, the human element is missing.

  BTW, your German is very good.

  Frank Mandato

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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT  SIZE=2>In a message dated 8/20/2001 21:18:32 US Mountain Standard Time, 
<BR> writes:<BR>
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE>Entschuldigen Sie mich. &nbsp;Englische, Bitte. &nbsp;Was ist skat und xskat? &nbsp;<BR>
Mein Deutch ist sehr schlect.</BLOCKQUOTE><BR>
 &nbsp;&nbsp;Skat is a German card game, actually pretty complicated and does take some 
<BR>time to learn and some more time, a lot, to become proficient at.<BR>
 &nbsp;I believe xskat is an Xwindows game, I have winskat, for windows, but I 
<BR>rarely play it, the human element is missing.<BR>
 &nbsp;BTW, your German is very good.<BR>
 &nbsp;Frank Mandato<BR>