Excite@Home May Have To Call It Quits
Digital Wokan
Mon, 20 Aug 2001 18:22:33 -0400
They need to get off the portal kick and accept that not only are people
going to change their default home pages, but half the Windows software
that gets installed seems to take it upon itself to do the same. I only
go to the Excite@Home pages to make changes like adding/removing e-mail
addresses. I don't even give the headlines there a glance.
tim cutler wrote:
> I'm thinking Mr. Der.Hans is correct. Cox@Home started attempting to be
> a portal itself (dreams of AOL) and then suddenly (more work than they
> thought) they became ExciteAtHome. I would hope Cox/Excite turns that
> job over to Yahoo.
> "der.hans" wrote:
> >
> > Am 20. Aug, 2001 schwäzte Michael J. Schweppe so:
> >
> > > This is somewhat disheartening to hear, espeically since I live in an
> > > area just outside of DSL. Any speculation on how this may pan out?
> > >
> > > http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1004-202-6928152.html
> >
> > I thought excite was only providing email, dns and other soft services. The
> > cable companies, cox in Phoenix, are providing the physical network,
> > Internet feed and maintenance of both, right?
> >
> > If that's true excite's demise would only stop their screwed up email and
> > dns hosting services. That should be easy enough to replace, especially
> > without the half a billion dollar debt.
> >
> > ciao,
> >
> > der.hans