Linux in Schools

Derek Neighbors
Mon, 20 Aug 2001 18:19:01 -0500 (CDT)

Like wise, the charter school my daughter attends just moved into new
facilities and are looking to be more 'technological'.  I have no idea
what or whom is helping them with this, from what I can tell they have no
'IT' person on staff.  

I would like to see them use Linux and was going to offer to 'help', but
was worried time constraints would kill me and possibly make Linux look
bad, but if if the NPO is willing to try to find some guinea pigs, I would
be willing to pursue.


On Mon, 20 Aug 2001, Jim wrote:

> Good logical thinking, Hans.  PLUG can help Brian.  I wonder if Brian wants 
> any help.  Brian?
> On Monday 20 August 2001 15:10, you wrote:
> > Am 20. Aug, 2001 schwäzte so:
> > > Here's an article that talks about a Colorado school switching
> > > to Linux:
> > >
> > >,1383,45862,00.html
> > >
> > > I think it would be a very, very good project for this LUG
> > > to get involved with the local school systems and encourage
> > > them to use Linux.  Many of us could probably even volunteer
> > > our time to help set things up and train people to administer
> > > the systems.  Or, people could volunteer to remotely adminster
> > > the systems for free.
> >
> > Helping a school is actually one of the first projects we're hoping to get
> > going with AZOTO[1]. It should really be a PLUG project with support from
> > AZOTO where necessary.
> >
> > I keep thinking we have an edge because Sequoia ( they host the west side
> > meetings ) is moving to Linux. Brian can help us a lot due to the
> > experience he has. Thinking about it, however, causes me to do the Homer (
> > "d-oh" ). Rather than having Brian help us, we should help him. That would
> > make it an easier project. It would give us a success to stick under our
> > belts when we go looking for other schools or non-profits.
> >
> > I have been waiting for our paperwork to get done because AZOTO doesn't yet
> > have 501c3 status. Helping Sequoia probably won't take any money, and if it
> > did donations could go directly to the school.
> >
> > For the devel group, we might pick up educational programs the school needs
> > for our learning projects.
> >
> > ciao,
> >
> > der.hans
> >
> > [1] The other project being the Open Source/Free Software conference in
> > Mar.
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