Network Engineer
Mon, 20 Aug 2001 16:14:28 -0700 (MST)
Am 19. Aug, 2001 schwäzte Eric so:
> Ok, so I am getting in on this a little late. But I have to ask: I have a
> law degree, but I am basically in the middle of doing a career change to
> Linux Sys Admin. Since I don't have a CS/BSEE/CIS, however, I am thinking
> about taking the Sair or RHCE to give myself some "credibility." But I
> ain't gonna do a career change where I top out at $40,000 per annum.
Top isn't $40. In fact, I count that as a low starting salary for someone
with knowledge and a degree. BTW, your law degree counts towards that :).
Top for a sys_adm not getting into management or consulting is probably
around the 6 figure range in Phoenix right now. Probably aren't too many of
those positions around, though.
Software engineers can get more. I know of several I believe to have broken
the 6 figure mark in the Phoenix market.
> From this whole thread, I am gettin' some pretty negative vibes about the
> future of at least some techie jobs, esp. "Network Engineer." Is the gist
> (sp?) here that it is not a good time to be career changin' into this type
> of field?
Certainly not the best time, but not the worst either. Earlier this year
before the layoffs was worse. Now if you find a job and the company is
fairly stable, you should at least be able to keep it.
> PS--Yes, I am very familiar with the opinions of some in re certifications,
> but if you have any better advice for someone with no CS and high student
> loan debt, I am listening.
Certs don't cert much. They can, however, help get a job. Personally, I
suggest instead setting up a small network at home and adding services.
Get intimate with LDAP[1], then toss it on your resume. Look at the diffs
between different MTAs ( Mail Transport Agents ). Learn how to connect Linux
and m$ boxen.
[1] Remember DevelopOnline is looking for a senior Linux sys_adm and LDAP
experience is something we're looking for :).
# Science is magic explained. - der.hans