Linux in Schools
Mon, 20 Aug 2001 15:18:05 -0700 (MST)
Am 20. Aug, 2001 schwäzte John (EBo) David so:
> If you are thinking of helping with stuff like this, the CAP-LTER (Central
> Arizona-Phoenix Long Term Ecological Research) station is converting
> some of their labs to Linux. If you are interested in doing something
> like this locally, I could track down a couple of people in need/want of
> training...
Another possibility. I think we should choose one or two projects and work
on them. After succeeding in them, we can pick up more projects and maybe
even expand.
Anybody up north wanna organize a project in snow country?
Tucson already has a non-profit doing this type of stuff, so we should point
volunteers in the south at them for now.
# I chose to use the kernel sources as my documentation. ;-)
# -- Kevin Buettner