hp pavilion N5450

Gary Nichols plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
17 Aug 2001 22:10:48 -0700

<message trimmed>


I have a similar laptop.  To use RedHat 7.0, you need a custom X server
and drivers for the NIC and audio.  If you REALLY need to use 7.0, email
me and I'll send you the link to the .iso you'll need to download.

Or... as Kit pointed out...

Redhat 7.1 absolutely ROCKS on this laptop!  It recognized every piece
of hardware except the winmodem, which I haven't cared enough to look
for the driver.  As a bonus, if you own the docking station for this
laptop... 7.1 recognizes the built-in nic and all the ports, including
IR!  No kidding!  You are going to LOVE linux on that laptop, I
guarantee it.

If you need any more tips, let me know...


On 17 Aug 2001 20:59:34 -0700, Anoosh Abdy wrote:
> I have recently bought an HP pavillion notebook and installed redhat
> 7.0. When I ran Xconfigurator, the only combination which did not give
> me an error is 8bit color option which results in extremely large font
> and only the middle 1/4 of the screen is used and the rest is blank.
> Any idea why and what can be done about it. here is the specs for the PC
                          games; Easy Internet Signup;
> Earthlink; Prodigy; AT&T
>                                        WorldNet; AOL; MusicMatch MP3
> Player; Microsoft Money
>                                        2001; QuickLink III fax software
> and more
> regards
> anoosh