Complete Linux System on a CD
Matt Alexander
Thu, 16 Aug 2001 04:08:53 +0000
I just heard about this and it's so cool I thought I'd pass it on... OK, it's not
THAT cool, but still pretty gosh darn nifty.
Basically, it's a CD that you boot from that puts you immediately in front of a
Linux system. No disk partitioning, no muss, no fuss. This could be great if you
wanted to show someone Linux on their system, but they weren't ready to
re-partition and format their drive just to test it out. Also, as the website
mentions, you could use this CD to boot into Linux on just about any computer. So
let's say you're at work, for example... you shutdown the system, boot from the
CD, and presto! You're running Linux! Then when you're done, you reboot, and the
system goes back to its previous OS. And those pesky anti-Linux IT guys never
know... ;-)