code red and MS's liability...

John (EBo) David
Mon, 13 Aug 2001 00:37:16 -0700

Wayne Conrad wrote:
> On Sun, 12 August 2001, "John (EBo) David" wrote:
> > A buddy of mine told me tonight that MS and some other orginization has
> > a code red clean up kit that supposidly undoes everything.  If that is
> > not the case, please let me know so I can point him to the stuff MS is
> > trying to hide from us...
> There was an announcement for a cleanup kit that flew by one of the bugtraq lists Friday (+/- 1 day).
> It's important to note that the only cleanup kit that can be sure to undo everything is a repartition of the disk and a fresh install of the OS.  That's because the CRII boxes are rooted and anything at all might have been done to them.

ahh...  now THAT makes sense.  I'll pass this on to him.


  EBo --