Presidential Candidates (was: code red and MS's liability)
Nick Estes
Sun, 12 Aug 2001 23:27:07 -0700 (MST)
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I'm sure it was inevitable at some point, but now we're going to get into
a mythology debate... (-=
First, it's spelled Cthulhu (damn all those consonants). (-=
The next issue is that the amount of trouble the sumerians had putting
consonants together is fairly irrelevant here since cthulhu isn't from
their mythology but rather the creation of a pretty messed up author
towards the beginning of the 20th century. In his writings, he referred
to a then non-existant book called necronomicon which other authors then
wrote. It is in one of these versions where a link was made from cthulhu
to sumerian mythology; however, this link is fictional it doesn't really
exist in sumerian mythology.
There are some who say that the necronomicon referenced by lovecraft
actually does exist and predates his writings, but that's a discussion for
another time since the one that makes the link to sumerian mythology was
written after.
Of course someone will undoubtably disagree and force me to do more
research. (-=
On Sun, 12 Aug 2001, John (EBo) David wrote:
> Digital Wokan wrote:
> >
> > It's spelled Cthulu. Apparently Sumarians had less trouble putting
> > consonants together than we did.
> ;-) Thanks, I'm terrable at spelling. I once even got 10% taken off of
> a geometry homework for spelling. No lie! The teacher wanted to make a
> point, and I guess he did -- 20 years later I'm still telling the story
> ;-) No... the spelling checker is my friend...
> > "John (EBo) David" wrote:
> > > Digital Wokan wrote:
> > > > 7.5!!!!!!!!!!!! You're giving me nightmares.
> > > > The Democrats would have to put up Jabba the hut! Of course, against
> > > > the Bush Dynasty, I think I'd vote for Jabba anyway. {And Jabba does
> > > > have better taste in women than Bill Clinton did.}
> > > ROFLOL!!! ahem...
> > > I liked the bumpersticker "When you are tired of voting for the lesser
> > > of two evils, Vote Kathulu for President!"
> > > (note: Kathulu(sp?) is an ancient Sumarian god of ultimate evil...)
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