no HOME!
Thu, 9 Aug 2001 15:20:26 -0400
I tried the below moving and remounting.........same probs.
I also tried some e2fstools, but I ended up hosing the partition
in the process.
Fortunately most of my stuff was in CVS, and done a commit just recently.
I just pulled everything off a 3 week old backup, and then cvs update.
Couple things lost, but nothin important.
Would sure like to know how to fix for in the future.
> So /home is a file? What's in it?
> mv /home /home-as-file
> mkdir /home
> mount /dev/hda6 /home
> ???
> If that doesn't work, can you mount it someplace else? There are some
> recovery tools worst case. e2fstools? If all else fails
> 'strings /dev/hda6' and run for the hills. :-)
> YMMV. Significantly.
> David
> /Home, /home on the /ro-ooot,
> whereis deer && antelope play,
> !whereis <</dev/audio | audiogrep 'pshaw',
> ...
> right, time to go to sleep.
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