Kurt Granroth
Mon, 6 Aug 2001 11:06:45 -0700
On Sunday 05 August 2001 12:21 pm, Charles Bullen wrote:
> I have a root identity and also a user account which is what I plan to
> useday to day. THe newproblem isthat allof the iconsfor the programsIneed
> to use have disapeared from my desktop. In fact all icons haved isapeared
> from my desk top.
> If I use Konquerer to view my home directory, there is still an entry for
> my desktop with all the iconsshown, although they don't work. IfiguredI
> couldgo to the "K" and go to the run command and enter the command to run
> aprogram, but that doesen't do anything either.
Fire up Konqueror and go into your Desktop directory and click on one of the
icons. Does the program start up as expected?
When you click on the K Menu and "Run Command" does anything happen?
Kurt Granroth |
KDE Developer/Evangelist | SuSE Labs Open Source Developer |
KDE -- Conquer Your Desktop