control panel suggestions?

Craig White
Sat, 04 Aug 2001 16:50:25 -0700

"David P. Schwartz" wrote:
> When you purchase *nix hardware from many vendors, they include "control
> panel" software.  Eg., one I'm familiar with is from RaQ, that includes a nice
> software management package.  There's a sysadmin interface, a site admin
> interface (for managing user accounts on virtual sites hosted on the machine),
> and a user-level admin interface (for managing your own email and basic web
> settings).
> I'm looking for a nice package like this that can be installed on virtually
> any *nix system.  I'm familiar with one, H*Sphere, but it seems to force you
> to run certain versions of things and you cannot update them, like it prefers
> a particular email package and version number.  (This is how it _looks_, but I
> could be mistaken.)
> I've got a Debian 2.2 server that I want to set up several virtual hosts on,
> and I want to give the users at one of these sites the ability to self-manage
> their account info, like what they'd get with the RaQ management system.
> (I think Stormix was getting ready to release something like this before they
> folded.  Anybody know whatever happened to it?  It doesn't even seem to be on
> their web site any more, suggesting that perhaps somebody else has taken it
> over.)
> Any suggestions?

Handles lots of different distro's - can be configured to allow users
access to very specific items.
