Linux @ Ten
Kimi Ann Adams
Fri, 03 Aug 2001 16:17:25 -0700
Hey, this would be a perfect opportunity to meet with the group as a whole,
both PLUG and NPO. With AZOTO being formed, we should consider having some
information on AZOTO and possibly suggestion boxes, things like that. I
know that we could get some donations for food without too much
effort. Maybe other things too. Just need a couple of people to make up
letters that represent what we are doing: First public meeting and
presentation of AZOTO, etc.
I believe that the mileage has to be in the By-Laws first in order to be
tax deductible, but Carolyn will be able to advise on that. Have we
decided on a date for this? Because that will depend on how much food and
goodies can be donated. Some places won't do donations unless they have
enough time in advance.
Let's move forward with this. Can we discuss at the same time we have the
meeting with Carolyn or afterwards?
At 8/3/01 05:23 PM, you wrote:
>Yes, if the NPO puts on the event, "donations" to it are tax deductable as
>is milage driving to it. Of course you need to check with your tax advisor.
>---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
>From: Todd Hought <>
>Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2001 13:35:21 -0700
>I'm all for the pot luck thing, I might just bring ribs or some other of my
>Kiwanis park is a bit out there, I'm partial to the GCC location, or maybe
>something downtown.
>if the NPO puts on the picnic, could everything be defined as a 'charitable
>donation'? :-)
>On Friday 03 August 2001 00:26, you wrote:
> > > The pot luck thing would be great. Hmm, maybe we should write a free
> > > software recipe database for the picnic... :)[1]
> >
> > I definatly think that we need to have some sort of page that lets people
> > get an idea of what types of things are already being brought. Nothing
> > specific, I would just hate to see another pot luck like my last family
> > reunion where everybody brought a potato based main dish. It was actually
> > kinda funny.
> >
> > Hans, the permagirf and I brought tortilla de patata, so you would have
> > been just fine hehehe
> >
> > Brian
> >
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