Which Linux Distro?
Mon, 30 Apr 2001 12:59:05 -0700 (MST)
Am 30. Apr, 2001 schwäzte AZ_Pete so:
> I need recommendations on which Linux Distro to use.
The only flame topic worse than which editor or which MUA :).
> He is well versed with all flavors of Windows and quite compentent around
> computers (building, configuring, installing, etc).
> He has never used Linux, but is interested in trying it. I've been using
> Redhat, TurboLinux, as well as Solaris.
debian, of course, is the best distro :), but I would suggest RedHat
because that's what you know. If you're more familiar or happier with
TurboLinux, then go that way.
If he goes for RedHat convince him to sport the $50 for the 7.1 boxed set
that includes the power tools. 7.1 now has some firewalling and other
stuff available, so it might work well for him.
Another tack would be for both of you to install Mandrake or debian and
you can learn with him. As long as both of you continue to have
functioning email, that works :).
> While these OSes are user friendly to me, I feel they may be a bit complex
> for a Linux newbie to install and would scare them away from Linux.
Default RedHat install is easy. Leaves too many security holes open,
though. 7.1 is supposed to be much better.
> What would you guys recommend for a Linux Distro that is easy to install and
> uses KDE or GNOME by default, and has a good variety of apps (email,
> browser, Word Proc, spreadsheet, etc). Ease of Installation and Ease of Use
> are most important, since I will only be able to provide phone support (he
> lives in IN and I live in AZ).
There are LUGs in .in.us, but mostly just in the cities, I think. He could
check local colleges and unis as well.
# der.hans@LuftHans.com home.pages.de/~lufthans/ www.Aligo.com
# ... make it clear I support "Free Software" and not "Open Source",
# and don't imply I agree that there is such a thing as a
# "Linux operating system". - rms