need script
Jean Francois
Wed, 25 Apr 2001 15:22:23 -0700 (PDT)
I posted just such a shell script about a year or so ago.
If it is not in the archives, I will post it again.
JLF Sends...
--- wrote:
> Certainly someone must have a script (preferably Perl)
> laying around somewhere that will:
> Recurse thru directories and rename files by replacing
> any UPPER case characters with lower and replacing spaces
> in the file names with something like underscores.
> I suppose I could write one myself ( I struggle with
> the recursion part), but if someone has one, and wouldn't mind
> sharing, It would save me a ton of time and I would certainly be much
> appreciative.
> Mike
JLF Sends...
if ( $make_world || $make_build )
} else {
print "Sorry you can't do that with this Operating System";
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