Anyone with BSD install experience?
Wed, 25 Apr 2001 10:58:54 -0700
If this is your first Un*x, you may want to consider
something a little more "gentle" than OpenBSD. OpenBSD
is EXCEPTIONAL for security, but for someone "taking
the plunge into Unix" I would recommend FreeBSD over
OpenBSD. Under FreeBSD, you can use /stand/sysinstall
(a character-based full-screen app) to configure the
system and install things (like X).
* On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 05:52:40PM -0700, Zach wrote:
> Hi all, I am a new member of the list.
> I have many years of professional support experience with Win9x/NT and only
> cursory experience with *nix. Now as a Computer Science student at ASU I
> feel it is time I took the plunge to a Unix envronment. I had little trouble
> installing Unix itself, but X is killing me :) I was wondering if anyone
> here had any experience installing Xfree86 on a unix platform from the
> command line and would be willing to help me (I am using OpenBSD 2.8 but I
> assume most *nixes (*nixi?) are very similar, probably a dangerous
> assumption).
> If anyone can help, I will gladly elaborate on the problem with specifics.
> Otherwise, I look forward to the May meeting.
> Sincerely
> Zach Glazar