need script
Eden Li
Wed, 25 Apr 2001 10:31:14 -0700
use File::Find;
find (sub {
my $lc = lc ($_);
system ("mv $File::Find::dir/$_ $File::Find::dir/$lc");
}, $dir);
# where $dir contains the directory you want to recurse
# to lowercase files... you can actually pass a list of dirs
# to find ()
BTW, use at your own risk. I don't imagine it messing
up too bad, but be warned I haven't tested it.
hope this helps,
Eden wrote:
> Certainly someone must have a script (preferably Perl)
> laying around somewhere that will:
> Recurse thru directories and rename files by replacing
> any UPPER case characters with lower and replacing spaces
> in the file names with something like underscores.