When is a case no longer a case? (was Re: scorpions vs dust bunnies

Bob George plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Tue, 24 Apr 2001 01:13:17 -0700

Brian Cluff wrote:

> I would think that anything that would keep air moving at all
> around the hot
> parts would be good enough to keep it reasonably cool.
> Here's a link to a picture of a computer mounted in a frame as an
> attempt at
> a useable work of art.  This might be along the lines of what you could do
> to keep a computer cool.
> http://www.humboldt.edu/~sll9/images/eMonet.jpg

Along similar but less artful lines, take a peek at mod #38, 39 at
http://www.tweaktown.com/casemods/index8.shtml -- PVC as a case frame with a
12" (or so) fan. #50 (Lego tub) is also interesting.

Thanks everyone for the responses. I may get creative before the heat hits.

- Bob