Alternatives to Frys?
Mon, 23 Apr 2001 20:29:58 +0000
Kurt Granroth wrote:
> Never said my box was slow. In fact, if anything it was too FAST
> (900Mhz Athlon). That kind of CPU requires a much louder fan than,
> say, a plain Pentium or 486
Its been my experience that the fastest processors run coolest when
underclocked to run at the same speed as comparable processors.
Rather, and AMD K6-2/400 on a motherboard at 66*3 will run a hell of a
lot cooler than an AMD K6/200. Not to mention, generally when you
underclock a processor, its possible to drop the voltage even lower
than stock settings. In some cases, you may be able to get total max.
power dissapation low enough that you will not even need a fansink -
just a regular heatsink. Of course, you must also cope with the mental
frustration that comes along with constantly knowing how much faster
it could be.. :-)
jkenner @ mindspring . com__
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