Stupid mouse tricks
Mon, 23 Apr 2001 01:19:10 -0700 (MST)
Am 22. Apr, 2001 schwäzte foodog so:
> I hate to break in during the perl jam, but I've got something that
Nerdvana it ain't.
> I do all of my kiddie-blasting under Windows, but I'd like to be able to
> grab whichever mouse is more appealing at a given moment, ya know?
> (huh, you dont?). Can anyone tell me how to make it go, or verify it's
> a no-can-do thing?
Laptop does it with an external mouse, no problemo. No clue how to
configure it as it's always just worked. It's probably due to hardware.
Have you tried both mice with only the IMPS/2 driver loaded? That should
work for normal PS/2 mice, except the non-existant scroll-wheel won't
function :). If one is a two-button mouse leaving on the emulate middle
button shouldn't hurt the 3 button mouse.
# ;-)
# A t-shirt a day keeps the noose (tie) away. - der.hans