Alternatives to Frys?

Kurt Granroth
Sun, 22 Apr 2001 11:36:00 -0700

Craig White wrote:
> The LinkSys internet routers are marginal quality.
> You should be ashamed of buying one of these since you are 'linux' informed.
> There is nothing that this LinkSys router can do that you can't easily
> accomplish running Linux with  2 NIC's.
I disagree.  I was using a Linux box with 2 NICs as my router and
wasn't very pleased.  It was too big, too hot, and too loud to be used
in my living room (where my BB cable comes in).  I got a Linuxsys
router and have been pleased as punch ever since.

It took me all of 5 minutes to setup and has been rock-solid ever
since.  Configuration is next to trivial and the "advanced" features
(while not as complete as what ipchains or netfilter can do) did
everything that I needed doing! It is also tiny, cool, and silent so I
can easily hide it. :-)

I did quite some research on 'net routers before buying it and the
Linksys was very well recommended.  There *were* some complaints about
a particular version of the firmware, but mine had the updated one.

I would recommend this product to anyone!
Kurt Granroth            |
KDE Developer/Evangelist | SuSE Labs Open Source Developer         |
            KDE -- Conquer Your Desktop