Serverkill or shutdown problem with network X apps
19 Apr 2001 00:06:20 -0700
ammend this.
I can ssh tunnle any X app from root to my user account (in box) and also from
root on any other box to here, but I cannot seem to ssh tunnle any X apps
from user account to user account..
could my .Xauthoruty files be fubar?
any other help would be greatly appreciated
On Wed, 18 April 2001, wrote:
> ok,
> I amgetting a rather strange problem...
> Under mandrake 7.2, I am getting the following message when I try to run
> other X apps from my other accounts under my main user account (not root):
> "X connection to hostname:10.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown)"
> I am using ssh tunneling for this..
> this problem hardly ever cropped up in redhat 7.0 but I now get it
> on all network based apps (netscape, xchat, kmail, etc).
> I've checked to make sure that my configs for ssh are correct.
> no joy there, they are.
> not only does this happen internal on my own box now, but it also happens
> when accessing remote shell accounts that have X apps....
> It either has to be the sshd here or the X server here.
> not sure how to solve this one.
> Hawke
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