12 Apr 2001 16:16:04 -0700
My understanding is that iptables is "backward compatible"
with ipchains scripting. so using your old scripting shouldn't
be much of a problem.
However, this also depends on whether ipchains support was included in your
version of iptables (as a wrapper).
also, tolet you know, I had to edit your original message below as you sent it
HTML and uswestmail doesn't handle html very well.
On Thu, 12 April 2001, "Tyler Hall" wrote:
Hey Guys,
I installed Mandrake 8.0 Beta 3 today, and
unfortunally they dont use ipchains anymore. They use
iptables. But, I'm not familiar with it. Can someone
help me out.
Right now, my ipchains look like:
ipchains -A forward -s -d -j MASQ
Which says, all ips to 90.0.0.* can go
anywhere (as most of you know)
If anyone knows the exact syntax to make iptables
do the same, please let me know. It's a work machine, and nobody can use
the internet until I get iptables to MASQ!
Thanks in advance,
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