FTP, TELNET, HTTP in Mandrake COnfig
George Toft
Tue, 10 Apr 2001 22:59:49 -0700
telnet and ftp are controlled by xinitd. Look in /etc/xinitd.d/ for the
config files. You should see the appropriately named config file. Look
inside to make sure it is not disabled. Make sure wu-ftp, and
telnet-server packages are installed. DISCLAIMER: installing
telnet-server is an open invitation to getting hacked. I recommend
installing SSH and removing telnet-server and telnet-client.
http is run separately. /etc/rc3.d/S85httpd start
If /etc/rc3.d/S85httpd is not there make sure it's installed with
rpm -qa | grep apache
Other hints are in this article:
Sir Edward James William wrote:
> How can I start my TELNET, FTP, HTTP daemons in Mandrake 7.2
> Im having trouble. Slackware starts them automaticly. I tried doing all the
> above localy and remotly its not running.
> How do I start my services (Deamon)