PLUG Devel Meetings
Tue, 10 Apr 2001 23:00:56 -0700 (MST)
Am 10. Apr, 2001 schwäzte Deepak Saxena so:
> Alrighty then. Time to get PLUG-devel meetings started. We've discussed
> this a little in steering and decided that since we already have 3 meetings
> a month at the moment, we're going to stick to plug-devel meetings only
> every other month. The key question is on what day? At some point, while
> discussing the west side meetings,someone posted a list of what meetings
> happend on what day. Anyone still have that info?
After I suggested the every other month thing and the "Intro to
Linux" meeting we want to start being on the other months Jim suggested
colocating them, e.g. same time, place, what have you, but two different
I don't really care, but I would like to attempt to put the devel meeting
some place closer to the geographic center of town than the rest of our
current activities. That makes it harder for a couple of guys way out in
Fountain Hills and such, but enables those over by Blythe to make it to
the meeting on the same day they departed for it :).
I've added a few things to the list I posted before:
1st Tue - First Tuesday - non-tech
1st Wed - Phx Wireless UG - semi-tech
2nd Tue - Perl Mongers - tech
2nd Thu - PLUG Eastside - tech ( Linux )
2nd Thu - SAGE - tech ( *NIX )
3rd Tue - Linux Stammtisch - tech ( Linux )
3rd Tue - Perl Mongers? - tech
3rd Wed - ASULUG - tech ( Linux )
3rd Wed - Phx Java UG - semi-tech
4th Mon - AZIPA - non-tech
4th Tue - PLUG Westside - tech ( Linux )
4th Tue - AZPHP - tech
The non-tech meetings really aren't a conflict, but some of us who are
interested in the devel-group do participate in them. Not conflicting with
other Linux or devel groups should be the main concern.
Anyone got the schedule for meetings for other UGs? Here's some stuff I
snarfed out of the back of a Computer Buyer ( who we all know is well
known for it's accuracy :):
1st Thu - South Mtn UG
2nd Mon - VB SIG
2nd Fri - AZ Amigu UG
2nd Sat - Programmer SIG
3rd Thu - AZ Mac UG (AMUG)
4th Tue - Windows SIG
4th Wed - Windows NT SIG
Anyone want to comment as to whether or not the groups exist and whether
or not they're tech oriented?
I'm almost in favor of a Sat or Sun afternoon.
If we go for a weeknight I suggest opening doors at 18:30 and starting the
meeting at 19:30. That allows people to travel after the main push of rush
hour is over, but still allows those who want to escape whatever early to
head straight over :).
# Motorraeder toeten nicht. Motorraeder werden getoetet.