Ask PLUG: best OS for wireless applications
Mark Firestone
Mon, 2 Apr 2001 13:41:53 +0100
This is probably true, but I have seen no evidence of it, because my NT4
servers don't
crash all that much. What I have seen with Windows 2000 Pro, is that when
it dies, it
DIES. Big time.
I have had several machines with PRO simply stop working. They will not
boot. You cannot
repair them with an emergency repair disk, or any other way I have been able
to discover.
NT4 Workstation didn't ever do this.
-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Dayley []
Sent: 30 March 2001 16:19
Subject: Re: Ask PLUG: best OS for wireless applications
Actually, Win2000 is WAY more stable than any of the other WinOSes thus
far. I had to put it on my computer here at work to do some driver
development. Except for the fact that it is still a bloated, "one size
must fit all" pig, it is far better than it's M$ predecessors.
Now, about embedding it? I would not want that project!
At 11:25 PM 3/29/01 -0700, you wrote:
>Am 29. Mar, 2001 schwäzte Alan Dayley so:
>> Troll!
>I don't think he's a troll, but he should've given info as to why it's
>good for embedded wireless. Based on their general "bigger is better"
>model of OSen I'd think it'd really suck for embedded. I'm told, however,
>their desktop stuff actually works and it doesn't crash. Maybe they stole
>OS !X from macntoy....
>> At 02:15 PM 3/29/01 -0700, you wrote:
>> >
>> >Windows 2000.
># ;-)
># A t-shirt a day keeps the noose (tie) away. - der.hans
|Alan Dayley
|Software Engineer 602-735-0300 x331
|Adtron Corporation
|3710 E. University Drive, Suite 5
|Phoenix, AZ 85034
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