Upgrade to RH7.0 woe (was No eth0)
Craig White
Sun, 1 Apr 2001 21:31:15 -0700
> -----Original Message-----
> From: plug-discuss-admin@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
> [mailto:plug-discuss-admin@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us]On Behalf Of Trent
> Shipley
> Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 6:52 PM
> To: plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
> Subject: Upgrade to RH7.0 woe (was No eth0)
> Good news; The SMC card does indeed work.
> News: After the first attempt to upgrade to RH7.0 the system
> would only boot
> from the emergency floppy. However, a second pass through the
> installation
> process got the system to boot from the hard drive, go figure.
> Bad news: Prior to the upgrade the Window Manager worked. After the
> upgrade it comes up, properly displays a startup screen in GNOME or KDE,
> then proceeds to paint the whole screen black. It scatters
> windows randomly
> all over the screen, and likes to loose its place -- like you would expect
> if the monitor were being over-driven.
> So I re-ran Xconfigurator, and it named the Video-Card and
> Monitor to the
> letter from its database. The test is great, the herringbone pattern is
> fine -- just like before.
> Time to try 'startx' again. Same thing. It likes to paint the screen
> black, paint app-windows more than once, and tile patterns diagonally over
> the screen. In KDE refreshing the screen pretty much works,
> except that the
> next action screws everything up all over again.
> Why is this critical? Because my colleague Joe is going to want
> to use SWAT
> to configure SAMBA. (He doesn't believe in idiotically difficult hand
> configuration. He is now TOTALLY convinced that Windows 2000 is a real OS
> and GNU/Linux is a learning tool that is designed to be buggy,
> impossible to
> use, and obscenely difficult to learn.)
> ---------------
> Of course to run SWAT it looks like I'll need to configure Apache
> and start
> httpd.
> This is quickly turning into a comic debugging session of
> infinite regress.
> ---------------
Make it simple on yourself...I'm sure that you can fix x-windows but rather
than worrying about that...
download webmin <http://www.webmin.com> or <http://webadmin.sourceforge.net>
standard webmin installs it's own samba manager (my preference) and it also
will hook into swat.
easy to install - makes integration into samba quite easy.
one suggestion...
back up the smb.conf file (on RH7 - it's been moved to /etc/samba) and then
cat /dev/null/ > smb.conf so you can start from scratch.