
Kevin Buettner
Sat, 31 Mar 2001 18:12:54 -0700

On Mar 31,  1:42pm, Lynn P. Tilby wrote:

> In setting up printers I got the message that samba was not installed. 
> I went back to both the Red Hat 6.2 installation CD's and could not find
> it.  I ran autorun and could not find samba.  I did a find on both CD's
> and could not find it.  Am I doing something wrong?  Do I have to get
> samba off the net?  I find it interesting that a needed utility like
> samba is not on the CD's!

On disk 1 of my Red Hat 6.2 install CDs, I see the following:

[root@ocotillo RPMS]# ls samba-*
samba-2.0.6-9.i386.rpm         samba-common-2.0.6-9.i386.rpm

Just do (as root):

    mount /mnt/cdrom
    cd /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS
    rpm -Uvh samba-*
