rh via ftp

Tom Busha tom@concept-factory.com
Thu, 28 Sep 2000 11:58:56 -0700

>From: "Mark Peoples" <gascsd@gascairlines.com>

>Has anyone installed rh6.2 via FTP, successfully? If so, which server did
>you use? I've tried 11 or 12 so far, yet they don't exist (pulled a list
>from redhat.com/mirrors.html). When I get one that works (codemeta.com), it
>hangs on 'loading second image', or something along those lines.
>Any ideas?
> Marco

I did an ftp install of 6.2 about a month ago from kernel.org, went very
smoothly on a t1, installing on a p133.
I'm not very far along in learning Linux, but it was one of the few things
that has worked without me needing to pull out hair and sprinkle chicken
blood ; )
As with everywhere else, I'm gonna guess kernel.org is just as congested
right now with the release of 7.0

Good luck,

Tom Busha
Site Developer
Concept Factory