rh via ftp
Joel Dudley
Thu, 28 Sep 2000 07:47:41 -0700
I have succesfully installed RH 6.2 via FTP from ftp.valinux.com. You have
to watch your paths because they are a little unorthadox on that server.
Does FTP work for you in other instances? Sometimes an IPMASQ?IPCHAINS
firewall will allow an FTP connection but not the control port and you hang
on your connect. Of course you can avoid that by making sure you connect
passively. I would be glad to help you to connect to the valinux site.
e-mail me off the list.
- Joel
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Peoples" <gascsd@gascairlines.com>
To: "PLUG" <plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us>
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 8:56 PM
Subject: rh via ftp
> Has anyone installed rh6.2 via FTP, successfully? If so, which server did
> you use? I've tried 11 or 12 so far, yet they don't exist (pulled a list
> from redhat.com/mirrors.html). When I get one that works (codemeta.com),
> hangs on 'loading second image', or something along those lines.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Marco
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